School Structure

Welcome! Here is the structure for September 2024 -2025

Mrs Lisa Saunders- Executive Headteacher

Miss Lauren Mercer- Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Janine Wain- SENCO- Senior Leader

Mrs Victoria Ainsworth - SENCO Assistant

Mrs Cara Cope- Business Manager


Polar Bear Class- Y3 Mrs Elle Walker
Jaguar Class- Y3/4 Mrs Alice Currier
Elephant Class- Y4 Mrs Leila Bascal Kelly
Turtle Class- Y5/6 Mrs Caroline Streeter & Mrs Lucy Dudgeon-Smith
Penguin Class- Y5 Mr John Saunders

Rhino &

Snow Leopard Class- Y6

Mr Richard Faulkner & Miss Tracy Bobbett

Office Mrs Angela Gander
Site Manager Mr Ian Kershaw


Support Staff:

PPA Cover- Music Teacher- Mrs Morag Warren

HLTA- Miss Beth Ring

HLTA - Mrs Joanne Cullen

HLTA- Mrs Kelly Valentine

TA and MMS- Miss Amy Ridd

TA and MMS- Mrs Anupama Ranjan

TA and MMS- Miss Suzy Neal

TA and MMS- Mrs Sarah Hatherell

TA and MMS- Mrs Jen Brown

TA - Mrs Kirstie Manktelow

TA - Mrs Louise Saunders

TA - Miss Abby Butchers

TA - Mrs Natalie Cannon

TA - Mrs Iva Muca


It is a requirement for St Michael's Church of England Junior school to state that they have no staff who earn or exceed £100,000.