Sports Premium
What is Sports Funding?
Sport Premium is a government funded payment aimed at improving and increasing the provision of PE in schools across the country. Each school will receive £16,000 between Year 1 and 6. St Michaels School has been allocated £8,400 per year.
How are we spending the PE funding?
We believe PE is a hugely important part of the curriculum and we pride ourselves on offering children many opportunities to get involved in sport, both during and after school. This funding has enabled us, in the past, to employ the services of outside agencies and specialist coaches to come into the school and provide High Quality PE and Sport sessions, from which our teachers have been able to learn from and develop their delivery of PE. We are now pleased to confirm that PE is delivered by our highly skilled and passionate staff. This is allowed sports funding to now be used in other areas.
We have recently updated and improved our curriculum and bought into the services of PE Passport (a high-quality, digital based teaching an assessment resource written by PE specialists). We believe this will continue to help develop the skills of out staff in delivering PE lessons, whilst allowing us to track the overall activity levels of all our children. This will ultimately impact the children though higher quality, sustainable PE teaching and ensure our offer to all children is fun, active and engaging.
In addition, we have used the funding to provide the children with a variety of high quality experiences and sports workshops, including: dace workshops, activity and adventure days and engaging the children in a broad range of sports. These have encouraged the children to take part in a wide range of activities and develop their skills and knowledge further.
What will the impact of this funding be for our school?
* All pupils in Yr 3 to Yr 6 will receive one hour per week of structured PE lessons with their class teacher and an additional hour of physical activity in the form of St Michael's Mile, active learning or a skills based top-up PE lesson. * All pupils will have the opportunity to be involved in competitive sports - to represent either their house or class. * All pupils will take part in a broad range of physical activities to help them find their passion within sport * Pupils will be given the best possible chance of being water safe by the time they leave St Michael's in year 6. This is done through close tracking and monitoring of progress and then 'top-up' swimming for those that need it in year 6. * Pupils showing exceptional skills in an area of the PE curriculum will be provided with links to professional outside sports agencies. * Pupils will have the opportunity to attend sports-based after school clubs |
For more information on PE Funding please Click Here
PE Sports Premium Report - 2022/23