Year 6 dates
Dear year 6 parents
We will soon be embarking on your son’s and daughter’s final term at St Michael’s Junior School, which is very sad, however it is also very busy.
With that in mind I wanted to make you aware of specific dates so you can add these to your diary, whilst ordering plenty of tissues for the impending tears!
Thursday 7th June – SRE talk to parents @ 2pm (the highlight of your year)
Tuesday 12th June – PGL talk to parents @ 3:15pm (all you need to know about PGL)
Friday 22nd June – Monday 25th June PGL Trip (what will you do without them?)
Tuesday 23rd June – day off for those who attended PGL (I promise the children and teachers need it)
Wednesday 4th July - Sports Day (the last primary sports event you will ever have to watch)
Friday 13th July School Disco (Last school disco without a limo)
Wednesday 18th July afternoon performance (tissues at the ready)
Thursday 19th July evening performance (more tissues required)
Monday 23rd July Founders Day – trip to the church and children receive awards from Mrs Heather and Mrs Dicker (lots more tissues will be needed)
Tuesday 24th July Leavers Assembly 1:30pm the children say goodbye to the school (DO NOT COME WITHOUT TISSUES!!!!!)
Best wishes
Mrs Heather