Homework Clarification
I would like to thank those of you who have welcomed the new junior homework with open arms. I am delighted to hear that so many children are enjoying the tasks and in some cases actually wanting to do the work!
However I wanted to reiterate the school's marking expectations as per the letter sent home last Friday...
•Children can bring their books in at any time for teachers to give verbal feedback (otherwise they do not need to be returned until 27th March)
•At the end of term peer to peer marking will take place, with teacher support
Also, weekly spellings and timetables will be upload to SEESAW, that said year 6 children have also been given these in advance in their books.
If you would still like more advice or clarity we will be holding a homework surgery on Wednesday 29th January @ 3pm, in the school hall.
We will continue to monitor the feedback, but for now I am so pleased your lives appear more homework friendly :)
Have a good evening
Mrs Heather