
Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to explain why some of you may have received an attendance letter over the holidays. Our school policy is that is a child’s attendance falls below 95%, a letter will automatically be sent.

Please do not worry about this! We know that children get ill and will be absent from school on these occasions.  However, it is our role as a school to monitor the absence from term to term to make sure that the attendance is an improving picture. As a school absence is questioned by the Local Authority and can also affect the Ofsted grading of the school.

The school attendance policy states the following -

  • 95 - 100% attendance - class teacher to investigate and notify the Family Liaison Officer of concerns. FLO will contact parents if appropriate, on Senior Leader instruction.

  • 90 - 95% attendance - school intervention letters are sent and a meeting with parents will be organised if Senior Leaders feel it is appropriate and have concerns. If absence continues a Penalty Notice or Early Help Notification may be considered.

  • Below 90% - Where the absences have not been authorised consult with the Local Authority School Liaison Officer and a referral to PRU, Inclusion and Attendance Service may be considered.

 Our school target is 97%. We hope you can work with us to ensure that your child attends school whenever possible, apart from in the case of illness.

 Many Thanks

 Lisa Dicker and Sue Heather