
Welcome to our St Michael's Maths Page!


Our Maths Curriculum:

Our maths curriculum is based on White Rose which is a whole-class mastery programme designed to spark curiosity, excitement and help children develop confidence in maths. As a school, we are confident and feel empowered to deliver the maths curriculum, and have the resources and support we need to achieve this. We use the White Rose programme as our long- term plan for each year group. Teaching sequences are based on small steps to ensure a good level of coherence, understanding, application of understanding and transference of skills to a range of mathematic problems and contexts. These small steps allow the children to fully immerse themselves in their conceptual understanding of maths skills. We give the children time to build their conceptual understanding through the use and exploration of maths manipulatives. We can also differentiate learning in this way by choosing particular resources to suit the specific needs of the children which enables all children to access the curriculum and to succeed.

White Rose maps out a long term plan based on 12 weeks in a term. Each year group begins the academic year with the topic Place Value which is foundation of all mathematical understanding. Children will then move through the topics systematically, building on prior knowledge. Teachers use creativity to design their lessons in order to provide the children with concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) learning opportunities. Our use of CPA approach to our mastery curriculum underpins everything that we do. We believe that through the use of concrete manipulatives, all children will achieve and strengthen their conceptual understanding of maths. Through this, we enable children to explore number and become confident with manipulating them. This, we have found, fuels pupils’ mathematical curiosity and independence. They also no longer see maths as a chore, as such, but a subject of possibility and exploration. 


 For more information please read our Maths Policy