Activities for Reading at Home
Questions to ask your child before they start reading:
- Looking at the front cover, what do you think the book is about? What clues are there to help you make that prediction?
- What made you choose this book?
- Have you read a book by this author before?
Questions to ask while you are reading:
- What do you think of the story so far?
- What do you think is going to happen next?
- Where does the story take place? What do you think this place is like?
- Do you like (the name of the character)? Why?
- How does this story make you feel?
Questions to ask when you've finished reading:
- Tell me what has happened in the story?
- Tell me a fact you have learned (information book)?
- Was your predication about what the book was about correct?
- What do you think happened after the story was finished?
- What was your favourite part of the story? Why?
- Who was your favourite character? Why?
- Does this book remind you of any other stories you have read? How?
- If you could pick a character to be your friend, who would you pick? Why?
- What book do you want to read next?
More questions can be found here: Boost Literacy Skills with Questions for Reading Comprehension (
Activities you can do with your child at home:
- Redesign the front cover based on your understanding of the story.
- Draw the main character in your story.
- Continue the story in your own words… what happens next?
- Change the ending of the story– can you make it even better?
- Write a book review.
- Write a letter to a friend recommending your book.
- Draw the setting in the story you’ve read.
- Write a list of words you didn’t understand and then look them up in a dictionary.
- Pick out your favourite vocabulary from the book to use in your next story!
- Write down questions for someone else to answer about your book.
Online activities:
Online activities for Key Stage 1:
Online activities for Key Stage 2: