Welcome to our St Michael's family!
Our school is a place that makes you feel at home, there are good times and challenging times, but mostly there is love and laughter. Just like at home, there is always someone to hold your hand, to wipe your tears or simply smile and say well done. We are honoured to have created an inclusive environment, within the local community, where all our children can flourish and where the Christian values of friendship, happiness, respect and perseverance, are evident in everything that we do.
As a school we are proud of our Christian ethos. We have a unique vision, that captures our schools’ individual identity and our values. Visit our Christian Distinctiveness tab to learn more about our school vision.
Our Curriculum has been designed to celebrate, nurture and develop independence within our wonderful children. Our aim is for the children of St Michael's to leave the school with the skills to embrace their future and succeed in becoming 'the best they can be'. We are proud to be St Michael's.
Lisa Saunders
Executive Headteacher

- "Pupils, parents/carers and staff experience St Michael's as their family, as a place of nurture, safety and belonging. Relationships at all levels are characterised by trust and loving support. This means that everyone is given a voice, with that of the pupils being the most important."SIAMS Inspection Report - February 2023